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Gaming Pushing

Pushing Web3 Gaming Into the Mainstream: GameSwift’s Latest Product Updates

Web3 gaming is a decentralized gaming process in which the game-related decisions and the ownership of gaming assets are delegated to the players rather than to a single central authority.

With 40% of the population playing video games and no less than six billion dollars invested in web3 gaming projects in the first half of 2022, blockchain gaming is set out to bring the next billion users to crypto.

GameSwift, a gaming-focused ecosystem, which recently announced its strategic partnership with Polygon, takes advantage of this trending approach and introduces revolutionary tools for all gaming enthusiasts who want to explore the web3 world.

As of now, gamers and major game publishers are wary of web3 games. GameSwift’s vision is to change the dynamic, and introduce a platform for playing, developing, and building communities in web3 gaming. Through its upcoming partnerships, GameSwift aims to onboard the next million players into web3.

A One-Stop Shop For All Things Web3 Gaming

As announced last month, GameSwift will not confine itself to a regular gaming platform. The project aims high with ambitious plans of becoming a one-stop shop for all things web3 gaming. Starting with the Platform, the project will work its way into providing a comprehensive set of tools and services.

Quality gaming projects within easy reach

The GameSwift team will cherry-pick the gaming projects of high quality and list them on the Platform. Users can launch and try out the games they find compelling inside the app. This also means no more trouble browsing multiple websites to find, download, and run a game.

Easy onboarding for INOs and IGOs

Investment opportunities are also part of the Platform experience. Suppose you’re familiar with StarTerra, or any other well-known launchpad platform such as Dao Maker, etc. In that case, you will enjoy easy onboarding for INOs and IGOs on the GameSwift Platform and leverage the advanced SocialFi tools in the meantime.

Seamless use of blockchain technology for all users

One of the current challenges faced by the web3 gaming environment is the lack of a decentralized and interoperable gaming infrastructure. This is precisely why GameSwift introduces its proprietary solutions enabling seamless use of blockchain technology for all users. A flagship product making users feel fluent in navigating web3 is the GameSwift ID.

The GameSwift ID – Single sign-on solution for blockchain

GameSwift is transferring a well-known single sign-on solution into the blockchain. You don’t have to put yourself at risk by storing multiple passwords or seed phrases.

With GameSwift ID, you need just one account and one set of credentials to launch multiple dApps and games and access all your digital assets. This way, crypto newbies enjoy increased personal security and a low entry barrier.

The GameSwift ID is a simple way to sign in and log in to your favorite online gaming projects. It also comes with its own built-in wallet that can be linked with other major Web3 wallets such as MetaMask, WalletConnect, Trust Wallet, or Phantom.

GameSwift SDK – Tools For All Developers

Builders, of course, have made a significant contribution to the web3 gaming boom. They are the ones who dazzle us with interesting game experiences and entertaining technical solutions.

Thanks to GameSwift SDK, developers do not need to learn any blockchain-specific programming languages to deploy their apps, allowing them to focus exclusively on producing the best possible product.

GameSwift provides a unique set of tools for any developers interested in developing high-quality blockchain-based games.

Bottom Line

The list of GameSwift products appears to be limitless! But they’re all focused on providing the best possible user experience while enticing traditional gamers to try their hand at web3 games.

With such a goal in mind, the GameSwift team is hard at work on delivering the promised tools, and it appears like the first products will be released sooner than expected.

The CEO, Wojciech Gruszka, says we won’t have to wait until 2023 to test out the first GameSwift products. Well, we can’t wait to give it a try!

If you’d like to participate in empowering the next generation of web3 games and are a passionate creator who aims to bring to life an immersive web3-based gaming adventure, the applications are now open. Fill in the application form here to launch your game with GameSwift!

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