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Intelligent Mining

iM Intelligent Mining: A Green Path to Power Blockchain

After years of research and development, iM Intelligent Mining has created an Autonomous, Solar-Powered, Decentralized Mining Rig. The company’s fully renewable and reusable infrastructure allows highly profitable blockchain mining without harming the environment.

Founded in 2017 by Daniel Elimelech, iM Intelligent Mining is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Elimelech is a young entrepreneur who has a great interest in environmental sustainability, and developing systems that make green tech a reality.

iM intelligent Mining was created after the founder started mining in his own home and had to deal with heat and dust problems, high energy consumption, loud noises, and other inconveniences.

iM Technology Can Make a Big Impact

iM intelligent Mining would like to transfer data mining to a sustainable energy model which is combined with greater decentralization of mining operations.

Bitcoin mining consumes energy in large amounts, and in many cases, it uses fossil fuels for power. This will increase as Bitcoin usage and price both shoot up over the medium term.

Mining operations are overly centralized with 5 main players controlling most of the market – which also creates the risk of a 51% attack.

In order to deal with the problems of worldwide power consumption, environmental damage, centralized block-mining operations, and high barriers to entry for individuals and developing countries, iM created a technology that may engender a paradigm shift in blockchain mining.

The operation is supported by the following key features:

State of the Art

iM’s highly efficient and streamlined operation is built at scale which helps it be cheaper and more effective than personalized rigs.

The specialized cooling technology not only keeps the equipment cool in the desert but also excess heat generated by mining activity is captured and reused.

Furthermore, extra power is sold to local grids and can be returned to iM at night.


Token holders are able to stake iM tokens to get rewards. It is also used to stake in exchanges, liquidity pools, or in the dApp. The iM token holders are going to receive rewards at the rate of 12% per year as profit from mining rewards.


In order to increase funding abilities and decentralize mining efforts, ownership is distributed to and accessible to a large network of small investors.

This helps these small investors to gain fractional ownership of a potentially profitable business. The sustainably powered mining rig is supported, and the investors don’t have to build and maintain their own equipment.

The iM token also offers voting rights towards current and future operations that ensure only the best and most equitable protocols are deployed.

iM technology is at the forefront of a dynamic shift in blockchain mining activities. It’s creating ways for green energy production to be used and access to the operation will be open to investors large and small.

A New Way to Mine Crypto and Use Green Energy

iM intelligent Mining autonomous using solar-powered mining rigs have been built in the desert and are owned by a decentralized network of iM token holders – this is a new way to mine tokens, and use solar power.

The team developed a sustainable decentralized solution, called the IM Green Protocol, which is working to provide a future for blockchain networks while protecting the environment and maintaining the economic viability of the industry.

iM is serving various clients, including current investors in blockchain and tech generally, early adopters, opinion leaders, young consumers, those driven by collaboration, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and human rights.

Features Make All The Difference


The organization offers the token holder three options including staking the iM Token on Plasma Finance, staking iM directly on the iM dAPP, and providing liquidity in the pair of iM/ETH on multiple DEXs.

The token holders will receive an APR of 12% for staking and 24% for Liquidity Providing per year once an option is selected. Rewards are delivered to holders daily and have a lockup period of 72 hours.

The iM community is received the Green wrapped Bitcoins (GRB) by mining and staking pools as follows:

  • 60% – will be available only for iM token holders using iM+ and a fraction of iM to acquire these Green bitcoins that will be mined via the GR Protocol thus creating less iM in circulation
  • 30% – Reinvested back into operations such as mining facilities and staking pools.
  • 9% – Reinvested into the Development Team and iM Labs.
  • 1% – Given to the non-profit of token holders’ choice via governance.

With the goal to decentralize the market and create as many stakeholders as possible, iM has launched various levels of investment that appealed to over 70 investors, mainly leading Bitcoin holders.

iM Stakenomics

The Stakenomics for iM network are designed in a simple way.

When staking the iM token, holders will receive more iM at a rate of 12% APR yearly. These rewards will be deployed daily. This is an incentive to assist in the decentralized securitization of the iM network.

What Makes iM Unique?

The Solar-Powered Mining Rig

One of the biggest problems in Blockchain is the energy consumption of the network.

This leads to harmful environmental pollution by requiring enormous energy resources of the mining process. iM developed a solution that uses 100% green solar energy and technology, allowing the mining process to take part by employing a unique cooling system.

All mining rigs are built on non-arable desert land. Also, the company’s cooling system technology helps iM create a more profitable business model than that of standard mining farms.

The cooling systems reduce or remove heat, соrrоѕiоn, noise, dust аnd еlесtriсitу from the equation.

iM ѕеrvеrѕ are submerged in iM’s innovative non-conductive liquid oil solution which helps them to оvеr-сlосk indefinitely without damaging the miner, extracting mоrе vаluе оut оf thе ѕаmе mасhinеѕ.

Without overclocking, the system will arrive at 1.2x ѕtаndаrd revenue while reaching 1.5x ѕtаndаrd revenue with оvеrсlосking.

In short, solar panels offer the energy needed to run the farm at iM’s facilities. The power collected is then sent to the mining facility to run the servers. Custom hardware will run underwater, avoiding problems with heat, corrosion, noise, dust, and electricity.


In the future, the company is going to launch the GR Protocol, or the Green Protocol, in which an internal DEX only provides Green assets that have been mined with Green energy.

Green Bitcoins, or GRB, will be mined and wrapped on the Eth Proof of Stake network. Other Proofs of Work coins, such as Zcash (GRZ) are confirmed to be available soon.

The GR Protocol will release iM+ tokens into circulation through a drip in stake rewards.

The only way for users to buy GR Protocol coins will be to use iM+ tokens, as well as the only way to get iM+ tokens will be to stake iM tokens and receive iM+ through the Token Distribution Model.

iM intelligent Mining Leads Crypto Mining into a Green Era

The company aims to become an industry game-changer, offering green solutions for blockchain worldwide, with its innovative methodology and approach.

iM is in the process of building the 1st cooling system. The full mining system has been tested in the desert in a 45-degree environment. A fully operating mining farm will be in place at end of 2021. according to the company.

According to the founder, Daniel Elimelech, the company aims to spread sustainable energy across the globe and ultimately into space where there is no interference through the use of AI technology.

The immediate goal is to form energy from information to prevent further global warming.

In the past, iM has donated all data and used computer equipment to a nonprofit organization called Human I-T, which provides the resources and equipment to children who can’t afford them for their own studies.

To learn more about iM Intelligent Mining, you can read more about its goals in the whitepaper, or follow the company on Twitter, Telegram, or WhatsApp.

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